be interpreted at three levels. Firstly, as it is as written. Do not lie means do not lie. Do good means do good. Secondly it can also be applied to us directly, such as a word of encouragement given to us from a verse or chapter in the bible e.g. the Lord is my shepherd, or He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Thirdly it can be interpreted by seeking the hidden meaning behind the words such as yeast of the Pharisees, meaning teaching, or bread meaning Gods words.
And so we come to Lazarus. He was covered in sores -problems, which attracted dogs- outcasts, he was hungry – spiritually starved, was looking to man – dropped down at the gate of a rich man rather than at the temple of God, or the pool at Bethesda, desired crumbs from off a table of a man – rather than from God, he was utterly destitute – but he obeyed the law and the prophets- died and went to the bosom of Abraham. There’s something not quite right with this picture I thought.
Abraham said in verse 25 that Lazarus received what was due him. Could it possibly be the choices that Lazarus mad got him to such a devastating end. The wise man in Proverbs 24:30 – 34 commented on the dangers of laziness and how it invites robbers and armed men into ones life. These are spirits that take and wound and leave for dead. Lazarus certainly fits this picture. Let us never become complacent in our circumstances but always keep looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Let us not look to man for help but to the rock from which we are hewn. Let us look on to Jesus having our eyes fixed on Him to receive help in time of need.